Order of the Argent Sword of Trimaris

The Order of the Argent Sword of Trimaris is a premier fighting award and is given for excellence in, education in, and the fostering of heavy weapons combat. This award comes with a Grant of Arms.
Award Date Awarded To
11/12/1983 Seósaidh mac Seósaidh  <Principal>
03/03/1984 Baldar Langstriter
02/02/1985 Eadric Hrothgaresun
11/09/1985 Ropesle de Sylveaston
03/22/1986 Aaron Breck Gordon
03/22/1986 Sakura Tetsuo
12/13/1986 Geoffrey Maynard of York
09/05/1987 Braian MacNaughton
03/05/1988 Roland de Verona
05/13/1989 Solomon Spite
06/22/1989 Arthur d'Urience (Artorius)
09/29/1990 Gareth Gordon MacGunter
12/02/1990 Jonathan Whitehart
03/09/1991 Severin Visconti di Milano
03/09/1991 Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh
09/01/1991 Nikolai Grigorovich Nabokov
05/23/1992 Arlic Anthony Lyonfeather
09/04/1993 Demetrius Seethero E'leon Potamo
10/16/1993 Fredrich Karl Kyburg
10/23/1993 John Shark the Wanderer
02/19/1994 Toirdhealbhach Cait Dubh
02/19/1994 Roland de Germaine
09/03/1994 Takamatsu Sadamitsu no kami Tadayoshi
04/15/1995 Orsen o'Donnell
08/16/1995 Bairn MacFearghuis
09/02/1995 Cadwyd Enwir
03/15/1996 Garan Halftrelson
05/24/1998 Gunnar Oxnamegin
09/04/1999 Drell McIan Blackwood
03/17/2000 Yoan Moon Yang
09/02/2000 Kaine Ashburne
12/30/2000 Caius Valerius Mesala
01/06/2001 Cedric of Dorchester
03/16/2001 Wylfred of Morganvayle
09/02/2001 Cryn of Dunhaven
05/25/2002 Galus Attalus Maximus
05/25/2002 Gaston de Vieuxchamps
09/07/2002 Lorcan Dubhgaile
03/14/2003 Judah ben Issachar
05/25/2003 Killian Bruce
10/09/2004 Tymm Colbert le Gard
11/13/2004 Arsalon von Drake
05/28/2005 Subadai Baavgai
12/10/2005 Celwin Baren Jager
08/17/2006 Krotuas Horatius Horek
03/14/2007 Seamus mac Dhughaill
03/31/2007 Fernando Miguel "The Spaniard" de Valenzia
05/25/2008 Ari Tyrbrandr
03/27/2010 William Hawke of Effingham
03/17/2011 Jebe Keriat
03/17/2011 Valbrandr Strugr
09/04/2011 Santiago Castanon de Anda
09/01/2012 Algirdas Gozo (Gzu)
11/10/2012 Franco d'Orsi
11/10/2012 Danial von Hessen
08/31/2013 Johan Craft
11/15/2014 Hjorr yggr Hákonarson
01/10/2015 Cerric Eld Vegandi
01/10/2015 Haukr Kveld-Ulfsson
04/03/2015 Solen Trianezov
07/11/2015 Logan the Gardener
04/02/2016 Gryph de Quentin
03/16/2017 Valentin de Valentia
03/16/2017 Vikarr Bjornsson
03/15/2018 Iohannis Mac Suibhne
03/31/2018 Maisie of Dunbarton
05/26/2018 Zephyrine De La Maige
09/01/2018 Zephyrine De La Maige
09/01/2018 Pericles ho Sparta
05/25/2019 Edwin Stibourne
05/26/2019 Michael de Lace
09/04/2021 Brakkus Von Vassagrim
09/04/2021 Drust Thorisson
05/21/2022 Jean Michael Jeanin
03/16/2023 Kaðlín Kahlan Stertikona
09/23/2023 Thomas die Voecht
09/23/2023 Amicus Amici
03/14/2024 Domenico de Carono