Order of the Maunche

Highest East Kingdom award for A&S
Award Date Awarded To
04/26/1980 Bryetor Aison of Devon
10/25/1980 Duncan Woodyngton
05/30/1981 Maeve of the Lone Isles
01/07/1984 Katharina Dietrich von Villach
10/24/1987 Sedalia MacNare
10/07/1989 Katja Hjalmarsdottir
04/05/1991 Paigan Crawford
07/10/1993 Eva van Oudeachterkol
12/11/1993 John Lyttleton
09/11/2004 Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco
06/17/2006 Rupert the Unbalanced
08/07/2008 Sof'ia Zhirinskaia
05/17/2014 Anna Dokeianina Syrakousina