Squires Revolt

08/31/2024 - 08/31/2024

Award Date Awarded To Award
08/31/2024 Belle of Loch Gryffyn Order of the Argent Morningstar of Trimaris
08/31/2024 Jason of Loch Gryffyn Order of the Argent Morningstar of Trimaris
08/31/2024 Rhys Mhic Cairbre Order of the Waster
08/31/2024 Zorya Tsvetkova Grant of Arms
08/31/2024 William of Bean Order of the Argent Morningstar of Trimaris
08/31/2024 Nolan of DunTyr Order of the Silver Sling
08/31/2024 Elysant de la Vallette Court Baronage